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My take is my own but it is not unique. I think I share the same views as most folks who think "conservative" is a dirty word.

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Monday, September 22, 2008


Do you consider yourself an optimist? Are you someone who believes people are "basically good"? I, myself, do not subscribe to the belief that all people are basically good. Why? Well, I've worked with young children for the past 20 years and if there is one thing I've come away with it's that humans are basically NOT good. Goodness needs to be taught, and carefully modeled. It is my observation that humans are basically greedy, mean, and sneaky. Which is why we need laws (religion being one of the series of laws that govern humans) to control our behavior.

I was watching an episode of Bill Maher's, Real Time this past week, and was interested in Andrew Sullivan's statements about how U.S. citizens should "self-govern". I really do believe people who are for less government, and self-government haven't spent enough time around groups of young children and rich, spoiled adults.

Friday, September 19, 2008


This award is given to any person performing an astounding blunder.

The first award goes to Sarah Palin, the Republican choice for our next Vice President. During her visit in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, she cheerfully greeted Grand Rapids... um, huh?... Minnesota? Michigan? She certainly reminds me of George Dubbya. Which brings me to a movie clip from the film: "My Fellow Americans" where John Heard's character as the Vice President slaughtered his words much like Dubbya does. Good Lord! And Americans vote for these people? We get what we deserve!