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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2008 Election Day

This was an interesting campaign. For the most part, the Democrats stuck it to the Republicans in republican fashion: SPENDING VAST AMOUNTS OF CAMPAIGN FUNDS! Anyway, I'll be voting for Obama/Biden today. I really hope he wins. The current republican asshat fear-tactics will not dissuade me.

One particular asshat, gcsecsi from YouTube, truly believes that Obama is a Communist...

containerraid (1 week ago)
I hope McCain wins. He'll lower taxes, making it even more impossible for America to pay off the enormous foreign loans they made to finance that ridiculous war. Already most american industry is moving overseas, nothing in america is made in america, it's all got 'Made in China' typed all over it. Eventually America will crash and become just another pathetic Third World Country filled with 1% greedy rich people, and an amazingly high number of poor beggars being fucked over by corruption

gcsecsi (6 days ago)
If he does nothing he is helping me!

gcsecsi (6 days ago)
How about a new house, a new car, free gas and food? I am sure you could use all those things cound'nt you? No one paid for my college education, I got healthcare by getting a job!

defactomode (3 days ago)
gcsecsi, there are large companies which do not offer health insurance to their employees or if they do, it is not affordable (WALMART instructs their employees to apply for state assisted health care programs... how socialist of them!). More and more companies are no longer offering affordable health insurance for their employees to purchase. Ah, but, I bet YOU knew that, didn't you? Funny thing about private health care, even if you THINK you're covered, they can deny you coverage. How lovely.

gcsecsi (3 days ago)
I as many others provide my employees with healthcare and I am a small business with seven employees! You know the kind Obama wants to punish and steal from! Get off your ass and get a real job, the newspapers are full of them! Of course you will be required to work for it, woudn't that be inconvenience!

defactomode (3 days ago)
You are as a blind man, you are locked within your own perspective, and the key is out of reach.

gcsecsi (3 days ago)
Blind Man My Ass!! I have worked hard all my life, nobody ever gave me nothing! I worked 15 years busting my ass, putting up with worthless people like you, for what to have Obama come take it like Castro and give it to you, when I could use that money to hire people who are worthy and maybe reward existing employees and maybe myself?? Obama is no less than a communist marxist you nitwit!

defactomode (2 days ago)
Blind AND Deaf.

All this over 3%.


gcsecsi (2 days ago) {{Republicans are all for welfare when it is being handed to THEM}}
Since it's no big deal, I'll let you pay it, it comes to about $8,600.00! If you will do that, then I could take care of myself and my employees who have all worked extra hard, after all you do agree we should all have a nice Christmas Bonus don't you? On behalf of my employees and myself thank you for taking care of it for us, it was hard enough to come up with the ninety thousand that has to be finished being paid by the end of the year!

defactomode (2 days ago)
You have my pity

gcsecsi (2 days ago)
I give you none, your just plain pathetic! {{Another very Christian moment for gcsecsi}}

defactomode (1 day ago)
I don't need sympathy, I need a tax-cut, and under Obama's plan, I'll get one. Praise the lord!

gcsecsi (1 day ago)
You need a tax cut? Or a tax credit? Do you even pay taxes?

gcsecsi (1 day ago)
Do you even have a job? How much did you pay in taxes last year? How much will your tax cut be worth fifty bucks? Is it worth losing your job and not being able to find a job? I guess you would move to the tax credit at that point and that would be fine with you since it is welfare that you more than likely are looking for!

defactomode (1 day ago)
Of course I have a job. I'll earn about 52K this year, and pay taxes on approximately $25K after expenses, and if the cut is worth $50, even fifty bucks helps. Job-loss is affecting everyone, and has been for many, many months. Our economy is trashed regardless of whom is next elected. I refuse to be one of those who joins in "the turning away" that Pink Floyd sings of. I'll pitch in - in the tradition of "Ask not what your country can do for you..."

gcsecsi (1 day ago)
Well i am happy that you have a job, I hope you can keep it under an Obama administration! {{FEAR-TACTIC}}

Do you support socialism? communism? or just plain misinformed? "Ask not what your country can do for you..." what have them steal from your employer and give it to you? Pinish people who worked hard and are finnaly reaching the American dream? If Obama gets in we are going down, you would have to be an idiot not to see it! Cut the chains on the Liberal oppressed and set them free!

defactomode (1 day ago)
What I see is you and I are going in circles. What I see is social injustice and economic unfairness. During this period of "war" keep in mind, everybody thinks they're right in a war, everybody still dies in the end. I'm outta here.

gcsecsi (1 day ago) (This post is truly amazing, the only hate I'm feeling is coming from gcsecsi, and HE is supposed to be the Christian here)
So your throwing in the towel with me, what so you can move on speading your devisive, socialist views to others! If going to throw it in then throw it in! Quit spreading your ignorant hate filled ideology and trying to justify why we need to live in a socialist socieity! {{FEAR-TACTICS in three...two...one...}} He will come after our first ammendment rights and then our second, he has already committed to these things. I go back to my orignal questions to you with one new one, are you an athiest?

defactomode (1 day ago)
HATE? nah, I'm the one who loves all people, for richer or poorer. I must say, your "Christian" viewpoint comes in loud and clear. Which of the poor would Jesus ignore? As much as I would love to continue this game of ping-pong I must head out. Good luck in your war.

gcsecsi (1 day ago)
Jesus would not ignore, though he would not reward bad behavior as well, he wants to see each of us do well, we our made dependent on ourselves! The slavery of the past few centuries was often based exclusively on skin color, many slave owners truly believed black people to be inferior human beings to white people. The Bible most definitely condemns race-based slavery. Consider the slavery the Hebrews experienced when they were in Egypt (Exodus 13:14). Help is found through God not Government!

defactomode (1 day ago)
Actually, help is found through people. Lately, with the newest uprising of televangelical ministers, Christian-Americans sense of societal correctness has faded into the distance in favor of a new breed of "more than enough for me, but less than enough for you -- your faith is lacking" preachers. The Christian-right seems to have lost their sense of caring for those less fortunate: the poor, the sick, and the needy...

gcsecsi (1 day ago)
Millions give 10% and more, they need to leave this work to the churches who do a much better job than government, and stay out of it! The truth is that people have to hit bottom before they can be helped, many our lost souls and may never find there way! The churches helps these folks try to find their salvation and get back on track everyday! Barrack will reward bad behaior, it just does not work, their has to be tough love, you would not give a heroin addict heroin to help him find his way??

defactomode (1 day ago)
Welfare wouldn't be needed in America if the Church were caring for the less fortunate as it should. If all church-goers indeed gave 10% of their gross earnings to the Church each week, welfare could be taken up by clergy, and the new-Christian wouldn't have to concern themselves with Socialism by the government.

fargorn2 (1 day ago)
Wow gcsecsi; are you that ignorant and self righteous that you truly believe in what you say? Firstly i am Canadian and therefore am a third party. Communism, as everyone is led to believe, takes away your power as a citizen. And that could be true, depending on who is in charge. Right now it wouldn't matter though because the american citizen has such a lack of power. You are socially and economically oppressed by your government. You are so controlled yet so afraid of being controlled.

gcsecsi (1 day ago)
The American have plenty of power it is called their vote and they better wake up and learn how to use it before we become Canada! Communism has never worked, our forefathers laid out a plan that has worked for over 200years and it will continue to work another, {{FEAR TACTICS ABOUND}} Obama would trample on it and take us into a deep depression! All we need is John McCain a proud American, a Maverick who will clean up Washington, cut wasted spending, create new jobs, increase domestic energy and put the bums in jail! {{OMG, THIS IS TOTALLY AN AD FOR MCSAME}}

hector0282 (1 day ago)
McCain will just be "MORE OF THE SAME SOUP {{AGREED}}

The source.