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Friday, September 4, 2009

Politics As Usual

It has been many months since Obama was sworn in. Let's check his score card, shall we?

So far, Obama's biggest battles: Ending the War, and Reforming Health Care have hit the skids... no changes. There has been no bi-partisan support for health care, which is really not surprising seeing the Republican's are still pissed that Obama won the election in the first place, really can't see any reason for them to actually get on board with the president, I mean that could alienate young, white republicans for heaven's sake! How distasteful!!

What I find really distasteful is how Glen Beck goes on his morning radio broadcast and claims all that Keith Olbermann reports is down right lies, and then I tune in to Keith Olbermann to see the same claims that all Glen Beck reports is lies. Although, I tend to believe Olbermann seeing Beck's program is an Opinion piece and not actual news reporting.

And to go one further about reporting, what is it with reporters reporting that Obama's speech to young students is the first time a president has nationally addressed students (see one report here)? George H.W. Bush did so in 1991, see the public paper: Presidential Library Public Paper . Is it any surprise that when Bush addressed the children in 1991 that certain Democrats objected to his speech? No, that is politics, I expect that. What I don't expect is reporters to fail so miserably in reporting the facts. Good Lord! I found the Bush announcement on the internet, I would think the media could do as much.

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