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Friday, October 17, 2008


Conservatives talk as if sharing the wealth is equal to leprosy

In their eyes it is. In the conservative's eyes, sharing the wealth is a concept that is malignant, and destructive. So just how the hell did America's churches team up with the Republican's? Simply because of the "Pro-life" card? By the way, let's call it what it is: Pro-birth... because they are all for the birth of the child, but once the child is born, heh... yer on yer own, baby! As Richard Belzer once put it in regard to Reaganomics: "Unwed mothers -- suck dick next time".

And to those whom have lost their homes, the conservatives would like you to know that it's your OWN fault for wanting more than you could pay for, even if it WAS the greedy lenders that told you that you could always refinance way before your rates sky-rocket, and your payments become astronomical in comparison to your income.

There are far too many joe-six-packs and hockey moms trying to rub elbows with the good-ol-boy republicans anyway. Get into the streets where you belong! And stay outta the first-class section of the airways too!

All you wealth-sharer's are nothing more than socialists...like, like...England! And you know how they are...!

Yeah, I know how they are, "they" the country, is over one thousand years old compared to the United States two hundred and some. One would deduce they have learned a thing or two over the past several hundred years.

So, if the citizen's of our fine nation don't like how the distribution of wealth plays out in this country they can always move to England or Russia!

"You'll love it there, where you have all you don't need and nothing you do", so says one poster I encountered in ABC's news boards.

What I don't understand is why so many middle-income Americans vote republican. Please tell me it's not just because of the pro-birth policy! They'll be whistling a different tune when it's their jobs on the cutting board, when they loose their health care benefits, and they can't afford or cannot get health insurance on their own. It's a tune I've been whistling for years now.

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