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Friday, October 17, 2008


Is this the end of America as we know it?

So then, greed has won the day once again. This is an exciting time for those at the top. Those that have basically all the world's wealth. They are the ones who will be able to, for lack of a better word, "dictate" to the masses. They will be the ones who give the rest of us the option of becoming a slave or a soldier.

My take is simple. I figure those that started the wheel of this financial crisis rolling knew full well what the possible outcomes were, in fact they couldn't have planned it any better! Whomever, "they" are, they have brought America down to the very brink of collapse. It's as if 911 was merely the precursor to this: the final calamity and total devastation of the US as we once knew her in all her shining splendor, and abundant opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

So, what then is left for Her citizens who are homeless, jobless and hopeless? A choice! There it is, not far off! A beacon illuminating the way... A simple two-choice strategy:

Slave or Soldier

Will you work for room and board, cleaning up, repairing and maintaining the private sector's holdings? Or will you defend America against all enemies, real and perceived, in exchange for shelter and meals? Once these clever, web-spinners have all their ducks in a row you can be sure there will be NO more jobs, no more economy, no more America! No more freedom!

The terrorists are within, camouflaged in suits, sitting at office desks, hunched behind computer screens, deciding your fate with a call to their stock broker, their banker, their lobbyists.

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